
It can be a verbal or written request where the company is requested to intervene in a specific and specific matter. The request may be that they perform an action or simply request certain information.


It is the disagreement that the user presents, either verbally or in writing, to show their disgust towards a certain process, service executive or department of a company. be the verbal or written request where the company is requested to intervene in a specific and specific matter. The request may be that they perform an action or simply request certain information.


It is the demand for a service that the client makes, either verbally or in writing, of dissatisfaction due to the breach of a right that has not been respected or has been threatened, caused by the poor provision of the service or failures in the product.


It is a proposal presented by a user to influence the improvement of a company process whose object is related to the provision of the service. A suggestion is something that is proposed, hinted at or suggested. The term is often used as the equivalent of advice or recommendation.


It is the positive expression or statement in which the person acknowledges that they perceive a good service and that they feel satisfied with it.
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