Our  Value Chain

We are a company specialized in innovation and the evaluation of fruit farm performance.

Implementing our core principle: “one fruit can change the world” to the entire production cycle, from planting, harvesting, packing to distribution at national and internacional level. 



production and internacional commercialization of fruits with the best certified qualityin the market.


We implement shedules and plans for the synchronization of planting and harvesting.

Pest control

We research tegnologies and new products that eliminate horticultural and fruit pests.

Irrigation and fertilization

Our innovation departament is constantly searching for systems that improve prodution.

Soil Analysis

We improve soil quality by performing environmental analyses. 


We are experts in the internacional comemercialization of fruits that have passed the strictest quality processes.






We have extensive expererience in the markets.

We guarantee the best products, always in time, and in compliance with the technical specifications and requirements of our customers while, complying with the quality standards and import and export regulations of the countries of origin and destination.   


You can  

trust us.




Our purpose in the world is to improve life throgh the progress of global agriculture and the food production chain. For this reason, we work every day not only to optimize production processes and the quality of our products, but also to improve our servicesand relationships with bour customers, thus contributing to marking their daily lives better.  

Sustainable crops

We work with producers who share our values of land sustainability and continuous improvement of producers´ quality of life.

Traceability and efficiency

We are focused on traceability and energy efficiency. Upstream, through our sustainable procurement policies and commitment to producers.  


Do you need  

our services?.

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